Official Website:
Brookfield Village Hall Phone Number: 708-485-7344
Brookfield is a village in Cook County Illinois and located 13 miles southwest of the Chicago Loop. The Brookfield Zoo is a major attraction within the village, drawing numerous villagers. Major settlement of the area began in 1889 when the Chicago real-estate developer S. E. Gross opened his subdivision of Grossdale, which is what the village used to be called. In the early years the community was heavily influenced by Gross, but the village has since progressed into the abundant community that it is today.
Inspection Information:
The Village regularly conducts property maintenance inspections to protect the health, safety, and appearance of the property as well as nearby areas. You may receive a “hang tag” or notice from one of our inspectors informing you of a property maintenance violation. If you receive a “hang tag,” please make arrangements to correct the code violation within the given time frame. Contact the inspector if you have questions.
If you do not correct your property maintenance violation or contact the inspector with your questions, you will receive a ticket to report to the Village Hall for an Administrative Adjudication Hearing. An administrative hearing is a civil, not criminal, proceeding. Cases filed in adjudication are punishable by fines and can only be appealed in the 4th District Circuit Court of Cook County. You may pay your fines online or in person at Village Hall.
In extreme cases when fines accumulate unpaid, the Village may place liens on properties for repeat offenders.
The following are common property maintenance violations that the inspectors find during inspections. If any of these conditions exist in your home, please try to proactively correct them.
1. Failure to properly display address on front of house and on garage at alley
2. Outdoor storage of materials or equipment
3. Outdoor storage of inoperable vehicles
4. Accumulation of trash, garbage, brush, or construction materials
5. Overgrown bushes or hedges over walkways or public ways
6. Grass grown over 8 inches in height and/or overgrowth of weeds
7. Building or fence in disrepair
8. Clogged or dirty gutters
9. Missing or damaged handrails or balusters
10. Peeling and chipping paint
11. Broken or cracked windows on house or garage
12. Parking on an unimproved surface
Permits may be required to correct certain property maintenance violations.
The Village of Brookfield adopted the 2015 International Property Maintenance code with local amendments. The Code is available for purchase at the Village of Brookfield or through the International Code Council, and is also available for viewing at the Brookfield Public Library or Village Hall.
You may report property maintenance violations to the Community and Economic Development Department’s inspectors by calling 708-485-1412. Please be sure to provide the address of the property in violation.
Crime Free Information:
Brookfield Police Department
Edward A. Petrak
Email: Ph: 708-485-1777
8820 Brookfield Avenue Brookfield IL 60513 Non-Emergency Phone 708-485-8131 Fax 708-485-2106
The Police Department is located at the east side of the Village Hall and is staffed 24 hours a day.
The Brookfield Police Department has 30 sworn police officers, 5 auxiliary officers, 8 civilian employees, and 18 crossing guards. We provide security for all village events as well as serve and protect the citizens of the community. We were one of the first towns in the Midwest region to implement the 911 emergency systems. We are proud of our community and do our best to make this a safe town to live and raise a family.