Official Website:
Lyons Village Hall Phone Number: 708-442-4500
Lyons is a village in Lyons Township, Cook County, Illinois with a population estimated at 10,700. The village is 11 miles southwest of the Chicago Loop. Lyons was incorporated in 1888 but 1673 dates the first activity in the area by French Explorer Louis Joliet and Jesuit missionary Father Pierre Marquette. The marshy region at what is now 47th and Harlem separates waters that flow into the Great Lakes from those that flow into the Mississippi River. During wet seasons Native Americans could travel from the South Branch of the Chicago River to the Des Plaines River through an area called Mud Lake. Since those days, Lyons has grown into the community it is today with rich history and many historical landmarks.
Inspection Information:
Lyons Building Department
Building Director: John Pierce 4200 Lawndale Avenue, Lyons, IL 60534 Phone: (708) 442-4500 Fax: (708) 442-4432
The Building Department is responsible for assisting residents, contractors, builders, and developers in complying with State and local construction codes. The Department enforces Accessibility, Building, Sprinkler, Electrical, Plumbing, and Property Maintenance Codes. The Department is responsible for conducting building plan reviews, performing building and property maintenance inspections, processing permits, and issuing occupancy certificates. The Department also issues business licenses.
Code enforcement activities of the Division include rental and sale inspections, enforcement of village zoning and property maintenance codes, preparation of citations and documentation for violations of Village codes, and testimony in court.
Property Inspection Application
Crime Free Information:
Lyons Police Department
4200 Lawndale Avenue Lyons, IL 60534 Phone: (708) 447-1225 Fax: (708) 447-8038