Official Website:
Monee Village Hall Phone Number: 708-534-8301
Monee is a village in Will County Illinois with a population estimated at 5,100. The village has a total area of 4.42 sqaure miles of land. Monee was founded in November 1853 by Augustas Herbert. Lore and legend says Monee's namesake is a French-Ottawa Indian woman, Marie LeFevre Bailly. She was the daughter of a French fur trader and was a half-French, half-Ottawa Indian woman. While young Marie was called "Mah-ree" by the French, the Ottawa had no sound corresponding with the letter "r," and thus called the little girl "Mah-nee." French treaty clerks later wrote the name as "Mo-nee." On November 9, 1874, the village was incorporated.

Inspection Information:
Registration including the first rental inspection is $50. Payment over the phone is not accepted, you must come into the Village to pay and schedule the inspection.
Please call the Building Department at 708-534-8303 to schedule any required inspections. A contracted Building Inspector, certified with International Code Council, conducts the necessary inspections for the Village of Monee. The Building Department requires a 24-hour notice for such inspections. Inspections are performed during the Building Department’s normal business hours.
A landlord must register with the village and annual inspections are required, reference Ordinance 1864.
Crime Free Information:
Monee Police Department
Chief Scott Koerner
5357 W Main Street Monee, IL 60449
Phone: 708-534-8308
Mission Statement
The Monee Police Department is dedicated to providing a professional level of law enforcement for the community. "To Protect and Serve" is not only the primary mission, it is the passion.
It is our responsibility to be on the front line of public safety. We will make every effort to reduce the incidence and fear of crime while working everyday with the citizens of Monee to improve their quality of life.
Our mandate is to always conduct ourselves with the highest of ethical standards. We will do so with honor and integrity.
Message From The Chief
"Monee is a village with expanding borders, thriving businesses and close knit neighborhoods. It’s the kind of place you want to raise your family. We are a reflection of our community and a part of the everyday fabric of life. We can only succeed with your trust, your faith and your confidence. It is our only option." - Chief Scott Koerner